Week One Profits

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Making money online doesn’t have to take forever…

“10 Real, Money-Making Methods To Put Cash In Your Pocket…This Week”

Easy step-by-step systems for every marketer

Here Are 10 Methods That Are Going to Change Your Life

Method 1: Service-based Quick Cash…With a Twist

Providing services is one of the best ways to earn cash quickly. You can get paid upfront…possibly earning the money same-day. There are services out there anyone can offer, even if you’ve never done it before. I’m going to teach you how to get high paying clients, fast.

  • Instantly get clients interested in your service (you’ll be doing something important that NO one else is doing)
  • How to earn as a service provider…with ZERO experience needed (even if you think you have no skills)
  • How to get clients happily paying you more this week…they’ll be thrilled with this

Method 2: Selling Fresh Sites on the Spot

Years ago, site flipping was one of the hottest topics in Internet marketing. It was very easy to throw a site together and sell it for quick cash. But then it got harder to sell fresh sites, which is a problem since you’re short on time. I’m going to cover a method that will have you earning a decent paycheck with fresh sites, within the week. Hint– it’s all about the research.

  • How fast research can net you fast buyers… every time
  • Secrets for framing your site’s sales page, dusting the competition
  • Why turnkey site flipping is not ‘dead‘…you just need to know these tricks for faster profits

Method 3: Affiliate Marketing With Instant Commission Products

Affiliate marketing is one of those things people want to do because of the promises of hands-off riches. You certainly can earn a great, passive income as an affiliate marketer. The trouble is that so many affiliate networks take forever and a lifetime to pay out your commissions. You’re in luck, though, because I’m going to detail a quick cash strategy that uses instant commission products. All you need is a PayPal account and the right strategy.

  • Exactly where to find the best instant commission products for fast profits
  • How to cash in on ‘hot topics’… with a spin
  • Earn money as an affiliate this week… with no list

Method 4: The ‘Free’ Way to Profit

People love getting free stuff. You might be surprised to see a method about freebies in this guide, but I think you’re going to be pretty excited about this one. It makes use of a psychological phenomenon you can cash in on, very quickly. You’ll feel good, you’ll make people happy, and you’ll make money doing it.

  • How to tap into human psychology to make sales…giving free stuff away
  • How to take this no-stress free way to profit to the next level (hint: other marketers can boost your freebie…)
  • Exactly how to frame your freebie for the highest number of downloads (and more sales)

Method 5: Offline Quick Cash

Offline marketing has become a legend in Internet marketing. It wasn’t that long ago that you couldn’t open your email inbox without seeing a message telling you that the best way to make money online is to market to offline businesses. It’s absolutely true. As a former offline business owner, I can tell you without a doubt that there are ways you can make money this week when you cater to offline businesses…this is even faster than online methods, in some cases. You’re basically going to give them an offer they can’t refuse. They’d actually be crazy to refuse because of what you’re going to do for them.

  • How to make it easy for an offline business to want you…even to beg for you
  • What you need to do to cash in fast with offline
  • Why offline is one of the fastest ways to earn money, but only if you know this…

Method 6: Site Building Quick Cash

If there’s one thing Internet marketers love, it’s niche sites. They’ve always loved to have a slew of niche sites working day and night for them. But very few people actually like to build and maintain them. I’m going to show you how to get clients to pay you a nice sum to build niche sites for them– you’re going to frame your offer in a way that makes it a no-brainer for your buyer.

  • What you need to say to get people to happily hire you today (which means cash in your pocket today)
  • How to provide top value for your client… but spend as little time as possible building the site…
  • How to make it easy and profitable to build these little sites…earning for you again and again

Method 7: You Scratch My Back…

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in Internet marketing, there are always people who have more money, a bigger list, and a better marketing strategy. But, you can’t let that stop you. I’m going to cover a method that will show you how to contact marketers and make them a great offer so you can leverage their list and other assets for yourself. This is one of the fastest ways to boost your authority so you can continue to make great money over the long run.

  • How to leverage other marketers for fast success
  • Easily get successful marketers on your side…so you can profit this week
  • This is the ‘secret way’ some marketers zoom past everyone and become fast success stories…now it’s your turn

Method 8: Cashing in on Hot Topics

Internet marketers are a bit like addicts. They crave the chance to have more. They want more money-making methods. They want a better way to do things. They want to earn money in a hands-off way. You’re going to use some simple research techniques to get to the heart of the hottest topics (the hottest needs) Internet marketers have right now. You’re going to market something very specific, based on up-to-the minute info. It’s going to help you earn cash quickly because you’ll be stepping out in front of a passionate, desperate audience.

  • Easily find a hot topic that will sell like crazy
  • Why you’ll earn a ton more this way than you would with ‘traditional’ niche research techniques
  • Boost sales with these simple ideas…that have a big impact

Method 9: Product Bundle Partnerships

Sometimes, you have to get creative and see where you can fill a need. You’ll always be able to make more money if you are able to help other people make more money– especially when they can earn the money without lifting a finger. Have you ever noticed that people make money with special offer products, but then never promote them again? You’re going to fix that problem for these marketers, help them earn more money, and pocket some nice cash for yourself.

  • How others’ dusty old products could be a huge earner for you…
  • How to get other people to happily let you sell their products for high earnings
  • How to get fast sales even if you have no list…

Method 10: A Perfect Exchange

You’ve no doubt noticed that most of these strategies are based on the idea that you can earn money by helping others solve a problem. That’s what makes Internet marketing go around. With this strategy, you’re going to make a perfect exchange no marketer will be able to turn down. It’s a joint venture concept, with a major twist.

  • How to use an age-old bartering system to your advantage…with fast results
  • Exactly how to find success this week with no money, list, or anything else…

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You'll also receive the following reports:

  • Your Daily Success Plan
  • The Power of Happiness
  • Secrets of Unsuccessful IMers

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You'll get a 123-page eBook with detailed plans for the 10 income methods, including a 7-day plan for implementing each.You'll also receive the 3 bonus reports mentioned in the description above.

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Week One Profits

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